Domestic violence and the effects…
Women and Domestic Violence
- 85% of domestic violence victims are women
- 1 in 4 women experiences a physical or sexual assault by an intimate partner
- Females who are 20–24 years of age are at the greatest risk of domestic violence.
Women who are abused—physically and/or psychologically endure a whole spectrum of traumatic effects. Physical abuse causes serious physical injuries, serious psychological injuries, and ultimately, can result in death. During the last decade, important research tells us that psychological abuse causes serious wounding to both mental and physical health. In other words, you cannot be with someone who abuses you verbally, emotionally and mentally without experiencing serious losses in your mental and physical health. What does this look like?
Physical ailments could include: headaches, lower-back pain, stomach aches, and nausea. Psychological abuse can cause adverse health problems (Coker et al) such as arthritis, stomach ulcers, chronic pain, migraines, spastic colon, chronic pelvic pain, sexually transmitted infections, etc.
The traumatic effects in mental health can include confusion, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, substance abuse, impaired functioning re: parenting, socializing, and work performance, loss of trust in ones own judgment, etc. Many women report a loss of self.
Families and Domestic Violence:
- 30% to 60% of children who live in households with domestic violence often become victims of abuse or neglect
- Children exposed to domestic violence at home display greater symptoms of trauma, including frequent sickness, complaints of headaches, stomachaches, tiredness and lethargy
- Children witnessing acts of domestic violence between parents and caretakers are at risk for perpetuating the cycle of domestic violence in their own homes
- Boys exposed to domestic violence are two times as likely to abuse their own partners and children when they become adults
- Girls who experience domestic violence in the home are far more likely to become victims.
Domestic violence is considered one of the most chronically underreported crimes as statistics do not reveal the full disheartening reality–many instances of domestic violence go unreported.
Domestic violence severely hurts individuals, families, children, communities, and perpetuates the cycle of violence continuing into future generations. If you or a loved one are currently experiencing domestic violence and are unsafe or at risk of being hurt, please see our “Resources” page OR for immediate help, call 911.